Hey everyone! So this week turned out to be pretty interesting as it was
pretty cooled down at the start of the week, now the temperature has
gone back up a bit but things are still more mild which is better for
us, here the temperature seems to stay pretty consistent through the day
and night, it reminds of me of summer nights back home, and how much I
loved the summers before I left. So the news for this week, we have 5
people we are working with 2 of which are a couple, Andrei and Eva we
see them about once a week and they are way cool, a random lady who
showed up at church, a man named Yuri from Ukraine, he's a stud and
comes to English club and is reading the book of Mormon, and a Serbian
named Lubomeer. So we have to see what happens as we continue to work
with them! That's about all the news from this week though, we are doing
pretty good and continuing to do missionary work as usual. In your
personal emails I tried to update you more on what's new so you'll have
to take a look at those to see how the mission is progressing. I forgot
that Dad's birthday is next week, not this one haha, but I'll be sending
you guys a Christmas package, hopefully that will make up for all the
holidays I'm missing, one question for all you though, I don't know what
happened to my HDMI cables when I left, they all just turned up in
different parts of the house, they are all grey and one is orange and
black, let me know if you see them around outside of my room haha.
That's about it for this week, I love you guys, stay safe and have an
awesome week!
-Elder Skene
-Elder Skene