Monday, March 18, 2013

following the Spirit

Hey! I'll be staying here for another transfer with Elder Cook but this transfer is only 4 weeks so we'll see what happens. We are still working with the same people that we were working with in the past few weeks, but we were able to meet a man named Aleksei who wants to change his life. We felt prompted to talk to him when we were in the park so we sat down on the bench were he was sitting alone and eventually got his number and we are gonna get a meeting with him this week if we can. Another man about our age was in the same situation, in a different park haha, but we walked past him originally, then I asked Elder Cook if he thought that we should go back and talk to him, we decided that we would turn around and speak to him if he was still there. On the path he met us and we gave him a Book of Mormon and got his number. We had another lesson with Maxsim this week with a member too, his biggest issue is that he is just really into different philosophies and doesn't like to align himself with one confession, but he accepted the soft baptismal challenge, two times actually so we'll keep working with him. I gotta run so until next week! Be safe and have a good one! I love you!

-Elder Skene

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